Features - PHP Contact Form Script (Responsive)

spam protection

Responsive Design
· 13 Templates

Easy to install
& configure

Copy to sender
· 3 options

error messages

Send form by email
via PHP mail or SMTP

GDPR compliant
Data security ✔

FAQ database
Usability ✔

Send file attachment
by email

Create a custom
thank-you page

PHP Support
PHP 8.3 ✔

Create forms
Tutorial ✔


Comprehensive spam protection options!

  • Captcha - security code (on/off)
  • Captcha - security question (on/off)
  • Honeypot (on/off)
  • Time-out (on/off)
  • Click check (on/off)
  • Link blocker (on/off)
  • User-defined bad word filter (on/off)

Responsive Design

13 templates in a modern, responsive design!

  • Cross-browser compatibility: All current browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox/Mozilla, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari) display the contact form correctly.
  • We have optimized them for static and dynamic websites such as WordPress, Bootstrap, Joomla, Contrexx, CMSimple and many more!
  • The forms have a responsive design with XHTML/CSS strict - JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3!
  • Fully customizable design and layout (stylesheet) thanks to the style-contact-form.css file.


Easy to install and configure!

  • Easy configuration using the config.php file.
  • Optional activation of the email file attachment (attachment) field!
  • Define the maximum number of characters for the form fields
  • Available languages: English German

E-Mail Versand

Send emails via PHP mail or SMTP!

  • Send emails using the PHP "mail" function (standard)!
  • Send emails via SMTP

Individuelle Fehlermeldungen

Standard or HTML5 error messages!

  • Standard error messages
  • Modern HTML5 error messages

Kopie an den Absender

Copy to sender - 3 options!

  • Only send a copy if given permission
  • Always send a copy (autoresponder or autoreply)
  • Never send a copy


GDPR compliant with suitable data privacy notice!

  • Optional activation of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) checkbox
  • Custom link to data privacy notice


High usability!

  • Extensive FAQ database (fully adaptable to your website!)
  • The IP address, date and time are shared with the recipient
  • Email spell checker
  • No need for a MySQL database
  • Easy to install (requires webserver with PHP Support [PHP 7.4 - PHP 8.3])
  • Email header injection protection with (optional) PHPmailer class