
With our contact form script, visitors to your website have an easy and fast way to contact you. The form is sent using the PHP mail function (standard) or SMTP to the web master. A security code or, as an alternative, a math problem keeps spam away. It is also possible to deactivate the visible spam protection function (captcha). Other spam protection options: honeypot, click-check, time-out, link blocker, and a user-defined bad word filter.

The PHP contact form script also has an integrated email attachment function you can activate with the config.php file if needed. The form app excels with its straightforward (responsive) design, outstanding user-friendliness and versatile configuration options! Installing the contact form on your homepage is child's play and the layout is easy to adapt, even for inexperienced users. (valid XHTML/CSS and responsive)

The contact form is currently available in the following languages: German English

Our contact form complies with the EU data protection regulation (GDPR compliant). The privacy policy can be optionally activated or deactivated.

The responsive form script is suitable for Bootstrap, WordPress, TYPO3, Contao, Drupal, Joomla!, Contrexx, CMSimple and, of course, static websites.

You can also operate the contact form via SMTP, so that it runs on web servers that do not support the PHP mail function! (PHP mailer class)

  Overview of all templates
Template 1 Template 2 Template 3
» To the download page of Template 1
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 2
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 3
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)

Template 4 Template 5 Template 6
» To the download page of Template 4
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 5
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 6
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)

Template 7 Template 8 Template 9
» To the download page of Template 7
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 8
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 9
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)

Template 10 Template 11 Template 12
» To the download page of Template 10
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 11
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 12
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)

Template 13 Template 14
» To the download page of Template 13
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)
» To the download page of Template 14
Adjust form fields / design
(currently only available in German)

HTML Contact Form

Download your HTML contact form code (responsive) with spam protection and upload functions for your homepage! Email contact on your website with our mobile-friendly PHP form script!

Create Contact Form

Create your own custom contact form with our tutorial! For the tutorial, we’re using the responsive form script with anti-spam functions.

WordPress Contact Form

Download the contact form for the WordPress CMS / blog system here! The form can be integrated into your WordPress page easily, quickly and flexibly! Responsive design, upload function and spam protection!